The Mount Vernon Women's Ministry exists because the Gospel changes everything (Rom. 1:16, 2 Cor. 5:17). Because of the power of the Gospel, the Mount Vernon Women's Ministry seeks to encourage and build up women through worship, community, and service, all with the goal of pointing them to Jesus (1 Thess. 5:11).
Message from Daphne...
We kicked off 2024 with a brunch entitled, "The Gospel Changes Everything" because we know that to be true. Crissy Heath encouraged us by sharing how the Good News of Jesus Christ changed her family's life. At the end of that brunch, we encouraged every woman to take home a resource to help them to study God's Word more in depth.
It is true that the Gospel changes everything, but, the Gospel, or God's Word, the Bible, can only change your life if you know it. That can seem like a daunting task!
Recently, I read some statistics about the Biblical illiteracy within the church. It is astounding the number of people who claim to be Christ-followers, church attenders even, but do not read their Bible on their own. Research shows that Biblical illiteracy is one of the greatest deficits in the church today for both men and women.
And I get it. When I was younger, I didn't know how to start reading this enormous book. Often, I would start in Genesis and get to Leviticus and just shut down. I could not understand all the laws and sacrifices. So I'd skip ahead to the New Testament...to an easy book, like Philippians. It hasn't been until recent years, and with much intentionality, that I have learned how to study and interpret the Bible. Actually, the more I learn the more I realized I have to learn!
Therefore, we are offering several opportunities for our Mount Vernon Women to grow deeper in their knowledge of God’s Word and, in turn, of God, Himself. We hope and pray you will consider all of these opportunities and join us as you are able. Remember, as always, scholarships are always available!
God's blessings to you all!
"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved,
a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth."
2 Timothy 2:15