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What's the weekly schedule?

Mount Vernon gathers weekly on Sunday mornings for Worship and LifeGroups at 8:30am & 10:00am. Wednesday night services also happen for children, youth, and adults - visit ministry pages to know exact times and events.


How do I get there?

Mount Vernon gathers weekly - you can find detailed directions here.


Where should I park?

When you arrive at Mount Vernon, turn on your hazard lights and members of our First Impressions Team will guide you to a spot to park and help you get connected inside.


Where do I go?

When you arrive, stop by our First Impressions Table in foyer outside the sanctuary or in the education lobby to receive a free gift. Stopping at one of these tables will give us a moment to thank you for worshipping with us, answer any questions you may have, and allow us to connect and serve you and your family.


Where do my kids go?

We encourage families to worship together in either our 8:30am or 10:00am services and then attend an age specific LifeGroup - Youth LifeGroup is at 8:30am and Children LifeGroups are at 8:30am and 10:00am . Families check-in with a secure sticker system on the middle level of the church, a process that  is quick and easy. You will receive a secure code where only you can pick them up. In addition, all teachers and caregivers undergo a thorough background check before they’re allowed to serve with children.

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